Kibingo, Rwanda

Our Goal

EWB-NY is working with GIFO to provide the Kibingo community with a sustainable distribution system of potable water, available to all members of the community. Our team believes that the solution is to improve the existing RWC system(s) or install a spring fed system. We are also exploring alternative solutions.

Project Background

In 2017, the local NGO, Gihombo Forward (GIFO), completed the EWB-USA Community Application, and in June 2018, the Vaughn College Chapter of EWB partnered with the Kigali community to determine a solution to provide the Kibingo community with potable water. EWB-NY was involved since one of our members was a mentor for the student EWB-Vaughn chapter. Then, in 2020, the EWB-NY Professional Chapter took over the project.

In 2019, EWB-Vaughn conducted the first trip of the EWB-USA process, the assessment trip. From this trip they had the following main takeaways: 

  • The community consists of 900 people. Each household has an average of 5.7 people.
  • Each Kibingo community member requires approximately 20-30 liters of water daily for drinking, cooking and sanitation.
  • Current resources of water are collected by existing rainwater catchment systems but are contaminated and the community does not have access to safe drinking water. Sources of water cause common water borne illnesses among community members. 
  • Most of the supplies required for implementation are available locally. However, delivery of high definition piping will have to be arranged from the nearest city, Karongi. 
  • The travel team collected pertinent information such as water quality, GPS data and soil testing. 

About the Community

Kigarama Village is 1 of the 9 villages located in the Kibingo Cell, which is a part of the Gihombo Sector. Gihombo Sector lies in Nyamasheke District within the Western Province of Rwanda. Kibingo Cell is about three hours west of the centrally located capital, Kigali.

Kibingo Center is located less than 1.86 miles or 3 kilometers from Lake Kivu, a water source for the community members.  Kibingo Center can be considered a “downtown” area where everything is accessible. Kibingo Center is located in the center of Kigarama Village and consists of residences, a church, a school, and a health center. The name of the community building is “igicumbi cy’umudugudu wa Kigarama” which translates to “Kigarama Village Headquarters”.

Members of the community are mostly farmers or work for the government. 

Our Partners

  • Gihombo Forward (GIFO) – local NGO
  • DUSABIREMA Thoegene – coordinator of GIFO
  • Father MANIRAFASHA Vincent – Community Partner, Priest & Local school headmaster priest
  • TUYISABE Daniel – Kibingo Cell Government Liaison

Current Status

The EWB-NY Kibingo Team is currently working on preparing for the next trip, the implementation trip. At this time, we are working on the following:

  1. An alternative assessment plan so we can present multiple solutions to the community
  2. PMEL member survey, to continue efforts from the assessment trip. 
  3. Implementation budget in preparation for our implementation trip in 2022 (hopefully). At this time, we continue to fundraise to anticipate needs for a successful project. 

With the current COVID-19 pandemic, EWB-USA constantly monitors and adjusts travel restrictions and safety protocols. They have changed the travel restrictions by country. As of October 2021, Rwanda restrictions have been lifted. The Kibingo team will coordinate with EWB-USA, EWB-NY and our Kibingo partners for all travels to Kibingo and will follow all safety protocols.

Future Plan

Once we finalize the solution, agreed to by all parties, EWB-NY intends to implement a sustainable potable water distribution system for the Kibingo community. EWB-NY Kibingo team and GIFO will also create a maintenance plan to ensure the implemented solution will continue to benefit the community. 

Donations Link

Please enjoy this video made by Peter, a friend of the team, with content from the assessment trip

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