
Not able to travel? EWB-USA and EWB-NY provide other opportunities to make a difference. Our Appropriate Technology and Design Team (ATDT), Fundraising Committee, and Marketing Committee work hard to keep the chapter operating as one of the best in the country.

All committees are always in need of new members of all types, skilled in training, mentorship, event planning, fundraising, and more. Anyone with any background is encouraged to get involved! See each committee’s webpage for more info.

Fundraising & Marketing

The EWB-NY Fundraising & Marketing Committee raises money for all of EWB-NY’s projects, committees, and special events to operate at a high level.  In addition, we oversee the website, newsletter, and all communications.

We are always in need of help with out various endeavours – and we encourage you to reach out and get involved! Contact us at for more information on how to get involved.


Appropriate Technology Design Team

The Appropriate Technology Design Team (ATDT) facilitates design practices to consider the environment, socio-political constructs, ethics, economics, implementation and O&M.  They synthesize and share lessons learned, provide ad-hoc design support, conduct internal reviews and ensure knowledge sharing internally and with our local chapters. Learn more by contacting the team at